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Bitmap Functions

Introduced: v1.2.26
BITMAP_COUNT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap.bitmap_count(build_bitmap([1,4,5]))3
BITMAP_CONTAINS(bitmap, value)Checks if the bitmap contains a specific value.bitmap_contains(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), 1)1
BITMAP_HAS_ALL(bitmap1, bitmap2)Checks if the first bitmap contains all the bits in the second bitmap.bitmap_has_all(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), build_bitmap([1,2]))0
BITMAP_HAS_ANY(bitmap1, bitmap2)Checks if the first bitmap has any bit matching the bits in the second bitmap.bitmap_has_any(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), build_bitmap([1,2]))1
BITMAP_MAX(bitmap)Gets the maximum value in the bitmap.bitmap_max(build_bitmap([1,4,5]))5
BITMAP_MIN(bitmap)Gets the minimum value in the bitmap.bitmap_min(build_bitmap([1,4,5]))1
BITMAP_OR(bitmap1, bitmap2)Performs a bitwise OR operation on the two bitmaps.bitmap_or(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), build_bitmap([6,7]))::String1,4,5,6,7
BITMAP_AND(bitmap1, bitmap2)Performs a bitwise AND operation on the two bitmaps.bitmap_and(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), build_bitmap([4,5]))::String4,5
BITMAP_XOR(bitmap1, bitmap2)Performs a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) operation on the two bitmaps.bitmap_xor(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), build_bitmap([5,6,7]))::String1,4,6,7
BITMAP_NOT(bitmap1, bitmap2)Alias for "bitmap_and_not(bitmap1, bitmap2)".bitmap_count(bitmap_not(build_bitmap([2,3,9]), build_bitmap([2,3,5])))1
BITMAP_INTERSECT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap by performing a logical INTERSECT operation.bitmap_intersect(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))::String1, 3, 5
BITMAP_UNION(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap by performing a logical UNION operation.bitmap_union(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))::String1, 3, 5
BITMAP_AND_NOT(bitmap1, bitmap2)Generates a new bitmap with elements from the first bitmap (bitmap1) that are not in the second (bitmap2).bitmap_count(bitmap_and_not(build_bitmap([2,3,9]), build_bitmap([2,3,5])))1
BITMAP_SUBSET_LIMIT(bitmap, start, limit)Generates a sub-bitmap of the source bitmap, beginning with a range from the start value, with a size limit.bitmap_subset_limit(build_bitmap([1,4,5]), 2, 2)::String4,5
BITMAP_SUBSET_IN_RANGE(bitmap, start, end)Generates a sub-bitmap of the source bitmap within a specified range.bitmap_subset_in_range(build_bitmap([5,7,9]), 6, 9)::String7
SUB_BITMAP(bitmap, start, size)Generates a sub-bitmap of the source bitmap, beginning from the start index, with a specified size.sub_bitmap(build_bitmap([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 1, 3)::String2,3,4
BITMAP_AND_COUNT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap by performing a logical AND operation.bitmap_and_count(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))3
BITMAP_NOT_COUNT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 0 in the bitmap by performing a logical NOT operation.bitmap_not_count(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))3
BITMAP_OR_COUNT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap by performing a logical OR operation.bitmap_or_count(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))3
BITMAP_XOR_COUNT(bitmap)Counts the number of bits set to 1 in the bitmap by performing a logical XOR (exclusive OR) operation.bitmap_xor_count(to_bitmap('1, 3, 5'))3
INTERSECT_COUNT('bitmap_value1', 'bitmap_value2')(bitmap_column1, bitmap_column2)Counts the number of intersecting bits between two bitmap columns.intersect_count('a', 'c')(v, tag) from agg_bitmap_test1